“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)


Everyday this week while driving to work and back, I’ve been listening to a Joyce Meyer teaching on dreams and pursuing the projects both huge and tiny that God has called you to.  The teaching is so jam-packed full of wisdom that I plan to listen to it again during my commutes this week.  Near the beginning, Joyce says we are not meant to remain stagnant–static–in our lives, but we were created to always be growing, changing, moving onto the next thing, reaching for the next goal, pursuing the hope and vision for the future that God has put within us.  YES!–we were made for more than the drudgery of daily existence.

When God has planted a dream, a hope for the future, in your heart, pursuing it will become your joy.  It will become necessary to you.  “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 (New Living Translation)  Whether your dream is to start a business, publish a book, become a parent, grow your ministry, run a marathon, move onto the mission field, etc. the pursuit–and eventual fulfillment–of that goal will be a tree of life to your soul.

So, what if you don’t know what your dream is?  I feel like I sleepwalked through most of my twenties, with no vision or goal in mind.  It’s like when you drive a route you’re super familiar with so you’re on auto-pilot, and when you arrive at your destination you kind of wonder “wow, how did I even get here?”  I woke up and I was 29.  I realized that for seven years, since graduating college and getting married, all I’d done was exist–work, eat, watch tv, go to church, occasionally travel. BLAH.  I was over it.  I wanted more.  But what?

I did some praying and seeking.  I broke my routine; instead of spending hours upon hours watching tv like I’d always done, I began to spend more time reading.  I started running.  I spent more time pursuing the things that bring me pleasure, like photography (ahhh so much to learn!), cooking, writing, and creating things.  I filled my house with mason jars and teapots full of flowers because they’re pretty and make me happy.  I let worship music echo throughout my house as I wrote and created crafty things.  To get a new dream, you have to shake things up a bit.  Break your routine.  Let yourself be inspired again.  If you have always loved to draw, but haven’t done much of it the past several years, then draw!  If you used to like taking photos, get the camera out.  If you like to write, to cook, to make things, then dedicate some time to pursuing those things and grow your skills.  If you love building relationships and taking care of people, start inviting people over for meals.  Befriend lonely people and hang out with them.  Mentor a kid.  Find out what you love to do, and become the best you can be at that thing.  You were created to enjoy the things you enjoy, to be good at the things you’re good at, for a purpose.  God can use any skill, any hobby, anything that delights your heart, and birth it into a dream that will shape your future–and the future of others, as well.

flowers in jars2

Let go of the past–of failures, disappointments, of the BLAH–and shake things up.

What dream has God put inside you that will change everything?

“Do not remember the things that have happened before. Do not think about the things of the past.  See, I will do a new thing. It will begin happening now.”  Proverbs 43:18-19 (New Life Version)

close up flowers2



“I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day…little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.”

MLK I have a dream

As we prepare to build our family, which will be all colors–black, white, and shades in between–Martin Luther King Jr.’s words, spoken 50 years ago today, are especially sweet to my soul.  

Let Freedom Ring, indeed.

MLK light and love



I love glasses.  I wanted glasses long before I needed them, and finding out 5 years ago that I actually needed them was super exciting.  Contacts dry my eyes out miserably; I wear glasses everyday, and I want some new ones so I can switch them out occasionally.  I’ve been hearing more and more about “purchasing with purpose” and spending money with companies that are making a difference.  Warby Parker is a company that gives away one pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair purchased; as if this isn’t reason enough to buy my next pair of specs from Warby Parker, they will also send you up to 5 pairs of glasses to try on in your home (free!) for up to 5 days.  Um, yes please!!

I was being dumb and impatient, so I requested my 5 try-on pairs of glasses for the week when I was going to be in San Diego (can we talk about how amazing that city is?!) for work for 2 days. 2 of my 5 try-on days.  Blah.  When I got home from my trip, I wore the glasses around the house and obsessed for the days I had left.  I also did a super awkward photo shoot with the glasses, courtesy of my husband.  Because you guys needed to be able to see the glasses and therefore my face, I didn’t know whether to actually stare straight into the camera or look casually to the side.  Enjoy the awkwardness.  I’m still trying to decide which pair I should order.

Warby Glasses (1)

These are the Wiloughby–I love the shape, but I think they may be a bit too heavy for my face.

Wilougby try on

Warby Glasses (2)

Bensen–also super cute, but maybe a little too big for me?

Bensen try on

Warby Glasses (5)

Reynold–I think these are too wide for my face.

Reynold try on

Warby Glasses (3)

Baxter–these are cute, but they’re dark blue and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Baxter try on

Warby Glasses (4)

Pierce–the winners?!

Pierce try on



As I’ve mentioned, I’m trying to learn how to use my DSLR camera, which requires taking a lot of photos.  The day we went to Central Market for the hatch chile festival, I decided I’d already annoyed most of the people in the store by clogging up traffic in the aisles and getting in everyone’s way, so I might as well keep going.

weird fruit

prickly pears




purple flower






This morning, when Aqualung started blaring from my alarm clock at 4:58 a.m. (technically 4:53, since my clocks are always set 5 minutes fast), I hit my trusty snooze button, but nothing happened, and it just kept getting louder. (Much to Jon’s annoyance–he doesn’t have to get up until 7:30.)  I always allow myself one snooze, and then I do my “zombie sit” (as Jon calls it) for anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, depending on how tired I am.  The zombie sit is exactly what it sounds like: I sit up in bed, motionless, with my eyes half open and try to accept that, yes, this is my life.  I really do have to be sitting in a cubicle across town in approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.

So, anyway, I was so tired this morning that the death of my snooze button didn’t phase me.  I simply woke up enough to turn my alarm off, reset it for 10 minutes later, and collapsed back into bed.  While I was doing my zombie sit, I had a thought: “YOU HAVE GOT TO GET IT TOGETHER.”

Jon has calmly told me many times, usually while watching me run around like a crazy person yelling “THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH TIIIMMMEEEE” (and sometimes weeping), “you do not manage time well.”  I used to find this offensive.  I am organized, I am a control freak, I am a neat freak (except at work…?), of course I manage my time well.  Um, maybe no.

I don’t think someone who manages her time well rolls out of the house–late–every morning with wet hair, no makeup, and half the groceries in her fridge thrown into her work bag because who has the time to make an actual lunch.  The other day I tossed in a can of tuna, a package of arugula, and a whole cucumber.  Desperate times, people.

caroline in the morning

wet hair, no makeup, zombie look still lingering

I’ve done some soul searching, and I think I might have discovered the source of my issues: perfectionism and out of wack priorities.  I sometimes usually put off doing something if I fear it won’t be perfect.  And I never want to start working on something else until the other thing is perfect.  This can sometimes be big things in life, and sometimes it can be that I don’t want to touch the blog or go running until every square inch of my house is pristine and perfect.
I have a hard time prioritizing, especially if I’m feeling stressed.  The day before our adoption home study last summer I took time off work to get everything ready.  I spent several hours running errands (dry cleaning, the bank, grocery shopping for stuff to make the blueberry bread I found on Pinterest).  Then, the morning of the home study, I ran around cleaning like a crazy person and frantically scrubbing the sink with bleach and sobbing (for real)”THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH TIIIMMMEEEE”  as our social worker calmly walked up the sidewalk to our door.  True story.  It was bad. (Then, after she left,  Jon helpfully pointed out that there was a giant hole in the back–as in butt–of my jeans.  Also a true story.)
So what’s a control freak to do?  It’s time to get organized.  There are 3 things in my life that need to be bumped up to the top of the priority list:

  • community (relationships with friends and family)
  • exercise

I spent a little time this evening watching Amy Lynn’s video (this woman is a genius) on using your Google calendar to organize everything in your life. Seriously everything.  She even has her sleep hours blocked off.  I’m going to create a Google calendar and give this hyper-scheduling thing a try.  I think I need it, at least for a little while.  I’ll let you know how it turns out; hopefully there are less zombie sits in my future.

How do you keep from becoming completely exhausted and overwhelmed by all there is to do?  Or, are you still trying to figure out how to come up for air?  Let’s talk about it!



Every August Central Market ships in tons of hatch chiles from Hatch, New Mexico and puts on the hatch chile festival .  Last Saturday we headed to Central Market and fought our way through the crowds (who were super excited to have a girl with a giant DSLR camera around her neck bumping into their carts and blocking walkways to the get the perfect shot) to get a little piece of the hatch chile action for ourselves.  The festival ends this Tuesday, August 20, so head on over!

I felt really sorry for these poor fools who had to spend all day roasting chiles in the 100 degree heat.

hatch roaster

hatch boxes

hatch box

hatch chiles

We headed over to my parents’ house with our chile haul, and Jon made hatch chile burgers (he chopped up the chiles and mixed them in with the ground beef).  Because ground beef makes me dry heave, I had a grilled chicken breast with strips of hatch over the top.  Before cooking with hatch chiles that have been roasted, you scrape the burnt stuff off of the outside and remove the seeds.


hatch seeds

 And, of course, margaritas make everything more delicious.




Our dossier (giant packet full of our background/financial/personal/adoption info) arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Valentine’s Day, which means that, as of yesterday, we have been on the waiting list for 6 months.  To celebrate being that much closer to bringing our babies home, we had dinner last night at The Queen of Sheba, one of Dallas’ Ethiopian restaurants.  (I’m learning how to use my DSLR camera, so the pictures aren’t the best. Don’t hate.)
queen of sheba sign
This is tej–Ethiopian honey wine. Basically the best drink ever.
Sambusa, a crispy pastry filled with meat
queen of sheba painting
straw table
Instead of using utensils, Ethiopians tear off pieces of injera and use it to pick up their food.
injera basket
The food is usually served family style, on a large piece of injera.  We had lamb, chicken, lentils prepared different ways, and veggies.
ethiopian meal
spicy and delicious!!
tej and injera
A copy of a famous painting depicting Ethiopia’s Queen of Sheba visiting King Solomon in Israel.  There are several thousand Jewish Ethiopians who trace their heritage to a son Sheba and Solomon had together.
queen of sheba and solomon


“…We think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are.  What do you care? You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, the most convenient definitions.  You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal.  Correct?  That’s the way we saw each other at 7 o’clock this morning…”

breakfast club labels

The opening lines of The Breakfast Club are from a letter that 5 kids who’ve been in detention together one Saturday have written to the overbearing teacher who’s been supervising them.  At the beginning of the day they are hostile towards one another–well, except for the princess and the athlete, who are pretty chummy–but as the day goes on and they learn more about each other, they discover that they all have more in common and understand each other better than they could have imagined.  At the end of the movie the athlete is making out with the basketcase, and the princess is making out with the criminal.  Perhaps that is a bit of an extreme idealization, but you get the point–it is possible to dig deeper and overcome our initial prejudice.

I think it’s human nature to make assumptions and label a person based on outward appearances–clothing, cars, even political and religious affiliations–and to then either embrace or reject them accordingly.  But, most of us have more in common than we would like to think we do.  We all desire to be truly seen, to be known, to be liked.  We all have struggles and insecurities and hopes.

When we stereotype people based on our initial impression of them we are sticking a label on them and putting them in a box, which isn’t fair to anyone.  The person being labeled and then discarded doesn’t have the opportunity to show who they really are, beneath the surface, and the person doing the labeling is narrowing the possibilities in his/her own life and missing out on knowing someone who could potentially be a friend.

I still find myself shutting down a bit around women who intimidate me (those super thin, well dressed, have-it-all-together women), like I’m back in high school and I’m still the theater geek who’s afraid the cool girl is going to look at me with disdain and walk away or–worse–say something cruel about my appearance.  I hate that this is still my reaction, and I wonder: how many potentially amazing friendships have I missed out on by avoiding certain women because my own insecurity caused me to be intimidated by them, to label them as self-absorbed and shallow?  So, here’s my new thing: I’m going to make an effort to open myself up and chat with each intimidating woman I meet–at work, at church, or wherever–even if she is skinny and wearing the jeans I can’t afford.

How have you unfairly labeled the people in your life?  How have you been unfairly labeled yourself?




My mama had surgery last Monday morning and came home from the hospital Tuesday night.  Wednesday morning I headed up to my parents’ house to spend a couple of days preparing meals and keeping my mom company. I ended up staying 4 days, and it was a really sweet time of reconnecting with my parents and just resting–nowhere to go, no worries except what to make for dinner–for a change. It’s rare for me to just rest, to ignore the million chores that need to be done around the house and to just sit down and read a book, or watch a movie (without multitasking), or call a friend I’ve been neglecting. I had to remember how to rest.

On my last day at my parents’ house, I sat down with my mom to watch my very favorite movie in the world: Elizabethtown. I cannot get enough of this movie. I’ve watched it again and again the past 9 years (sometimes twice in a month). When the movie was over my mom turned to me and said “I think you love this movie so much because it’s all about relationships; relationships are the only thing in life that really matter.”

Those four days at my parents’ house were a wonderful reminder: relationships are everything. I needed that reminder to reconnect–on a deeper, heart level–with my family. To reach out to friends I’ve lost touch with (still working on this one). To slow down, take a deep breath, and just rest.

So thanks, mama, for having surgery. I needed the recovery time.


Flowers for mama…this vase belonged to my great-grandmother in England 100 years ago. I sleep under the same great-grandmother’s duvet every night. 



The pups enjoyed the rest, too.

The pups also enjoyed the rest.