I’ve never paid much attention to the book of Jonah before, but after reading the whole thing cover to cover a few times, I’m now a little obsessed with it. There is so much truth about God and His heart for humankind (and we kind of suck sometimes, you guys) throughout this little book.
So, chapter 1 starts with God giving Jonah a job to do–go to Nineveh and tell the people to turn back to me, because they’re heading for disaster. According to my Archaeological Study Bible–love–the people of Nineveh were engaged in “cruelty and plundering in war, prostitution, witchcraft, and commercial exploitation.”
God’s heart is for restoration, and He wanted Jonah to speak truth to the inhabitants of this hot mess town.
Jonah’s immediate response is to haul butt to the dock and jump on a ship headed in the opposite direction from Nineveh. It’s actually kind of funny, and makes me think of the arrest scene in Grand Budapest Hotel.
Sometimes we think we can out smart God, or that if we hide long enough He will forget about us and move along to someone else.
God, in His infinite patience and grace, pursues us relentlessly.
I’ve often been afraid that I will miss God’s will for my life, that He has some big plans for me that I’ll screw up and/or miss out on. But Jonah 1&2 is an excellent reminder that God’s plans for our lives will come to pass. He is faithful to complete what He has started; the things that are on His heart and mind for your life will be fulfilled.
When we’ve veered off course, things can get a little dicey, and sometimes God has to allow hardship into our lives to clear out some of our heart junk and get our focus back on Him.
Our comfort and security–even our fear that keeps us from acting–can become idols in our lives. But the minute we bow ourselves low before Him and approach His throne with grateful hearts, He is swift to move on our behalf.
“Those who cling to worthless idols
turn away from God’s love for them.
But I, with shouts of grateful praise,
will sacrifice to you.
What I have vowed I will make good.
I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the Lord.’”And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land. Jonah 2:8-10
How is God pursuing your heart? Are there things you feel He’s called you to that you’re afraid to act on? Share in the comments, and let’s encourage each other!
This post is a link up with She Reads Truth for their Lenten series, She Shares Truth.