I’m linking up with Emily Freeman‘s blog to share the things that I learned in December.  It was going to be ten things that I learned in December, but then I thought of another thing and didn’t want to cut anything out, so it’s eleven things. YOLO, and all that.

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In December I learned that:

1. Stressing out about making things (i.e. my 30th birthday, Christmas) perfect makes things stressful and, well, un-perfect. Sometimes I need to just chill the heck out.

2. I can’t eat and drink whatever I want, whenever I want, and still expect to feel good.  Or functional. Or evenly remotely human.

3. It’s OK to watch certain shows and movies over and over again. Gilmore Girls, Felicity (which might be on my TV right now), Elizabethtown, and The Holiday will always be OK. And on repeat in this house.

4. If Pinterest ever goes away, I pretty much won’t be able to function. It will be a sure sign that Jesus’ return is imminent.

5. I need to start investing more time and energy into my family relationships.

6. In order to keep our home (and my sanity) a clear, restful space, we have to constantly get rid of things. “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” ― William Morris

7. And, on that note, it’s time that I stopped holding onto clothes from college. It’s no longer “just a couple of years ago;”  it’s like, a really long time ago. And I haven’t worn that French Connection sweater since ’02.

8. I really, really love to write. And I want to get better at it.

9. Music peaked in the 90s.

10. If your (my) yoga pants are tight and feeling too small, it means you’ve (I’ve) hit rock bottom.

11. It’s time to start living intentionally (new post on this coming in the next week or so). 

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  • http://www.my-yellow-life.blogspot.com/ Rebecca Fletcher

    Ugh! #2… isn’t that the truth! :(

    Found your adorable blog on Dream Chasers!

    • http://CompletelyCaroline.com/ Caroline Grace

      Thanks for stopping by, Rebecca! Isn’t that a great group?!