July popsicle

1. Popsicles.  I bought a giant, seedless watermelon at Sprouts the other day because it looked pretty, and you’re supposed to buy and eat watermelon in the summer.  It sat in our fridge for a few days–taking up an entire shelf–and I didn’t know what to do with it until: POPSICLES. I had the brilliant idea to blend the watermelon with a few frozen strawberries, a generous splash of agave nectar, and the juice of one lime. I poured the blended up goodness into my popsicle mold (I use a couple, but this mold is my favorite) and squeezed it into the tiny bit of spare freezer space I could find. Delicious.

I had quite a bit of juice leftover, which I’m keeping in a jug in the fridge.  I think the only thing that could make it more perfect is a splash of tequila.  I even mixed some of the juice with water (sans tequila) for my Orange Theory class, and it helped me keep my energy up.

popsicle juice (1 of 1)

2. I love podcasts.  I’m a few years late to the podcast party, but, now that I’m here, I never want to leave. (That was cheesy. I apologize.) I’ve found several great ones; I’ll share my favorites with you guys soon.

3. Online classes. I’ve been feeling super frustrated and limited lately by my lack of technical know-how.  Enter: Skillshare (which I learned about on a podcast!). Seriously, this website is amazing–classes on everything and anything.  I can’t wait to learn ALL THE THINGS.

4. The farmers market. I adore the farmers market, but I’ve realized I need to plan my visits better. I always seem to spend $87.43 and leave with only a cube of organic cheese, a pear, a .0000025 ounce bag of fair trade coffee, and a flower.  Instead, I need to make a B line for the Mennonite family selling organic eggs with a brief stop by the tomatoes and okra and call it a day. I need to not talk to the goat cheese girl, because then I will hear her story about leaving Maine with only her goat and a dream to sell delicious, overpriced goat brie to Dallas surbanites like me, and I will feel bad and I will give her my debit card and tell her to go nuts.

veggies (1 of 1)

5. Sometimes self care needs to come first. Lots of late nights and early mornings have left me feeling incredibly exhausted. Like, falling asleep driving to work exhausted.  I really wanted to get this post finished and linked up by Thursday, July 31st, but Wednesday night I decided to get in bed early with a book and the bitties instead. Self care is essential; remember, you have to fill your cup before you can pour anything out.

So, what did you learn in July?

This post is a linkup with Emily Freeman of Chatting at the Sky




  • Andrea Corbin

    All sounds yummy!!!

  • http://www.naomiliz.com/ Naomi Liz Figueroa

    Yes–podcasts! And I’m totally late to the party, too, but I love it! When I figured out that I could plug a jack into my phone and hook it up to the AUX jack in my car to listen on my stereo, my world exploded. (I’m not fancy enough for some kind of wireless getup.) 5 hour road trip by myself? Totally enjoyable.
    And the farmers market–ha! Those tomatoes look delicious.
    Have you heard of Coursera? They’ve got loads of free online classes–I took one in the spring, and it was pretty solid.
    {stopping by from Emily’s linkup!}

    • http://CompletelyCaroline.com/ Caroline Grace

      Thanks for stopping by Naomi!! Yes–podcasts in the car! The best. I haven’t heard of Coursera, but it sounds great. Googling now… :)

  • Helen Archer

    I love podcasts too! Thanks for sharing! :)

    • http://CompletelyCaroline.com/ Caroline Grace

      I can’t believe it took me so long to get into podcasts!! Thanks for reading, Helen! :)

  • http://myjourneyforhim.blogspot.com/ Victoria

    I love popsicles too! I’m terrible though…the better they are for me, the less likely I am to love them.

    And podcasts! I just got back onto the podcast train too. I’ll be watching for you post! I’m planning on posting my latest favorites next Monday. :)

    I am the same way at Farmer’s Markets…I want to support people! BUT, there has to be a limit.

    • http://CompletelyCaroline.com/ Caroline Grace

      YES–popsicles and farmers markets. Two things that can be so good or so bad, depending on what you do with them. :) I hope to have my podcast post up in the next week or two. Thanks for stopping by, Victoria!